What is a prediction? A prediction is a guess what might happen based on observation.
How do you make dependable predictions?
When making a prediction it is important to look at possible patterns and current observations.
Here are some steps to think about to make a dependable prediction:
Collect data using your senses, remember you use your senses to make observations.
Search for patterns of behavior and or characteristics.
Develop statements about you think future observations will be.
Test the prediction and observe what happens.
Predictions in the Real World
Predictions are made in science all the time, but even our daily lives we make predictions every day. Some examples of real world predictions are:
It is raining and the sun is out one could predict there may be a rainbow.
A college student is studying hard for their final exam really one might predict they will get an A on it.
A child has a fever and a sore throat, one might predict the child has strep throat.
What is a hypothesis? A hypothesis is a possible explanation for a observation or problem that can further be tested by experimentation. Hypothesis' are also known as educated guesses.
So whats the difference between an educated and wild guess? Educated guesses should be testable, therefore they should point toward the design of the experiment to test it. Wild guesses are when someone forms a guess as to what will happen with no previous knowledge or observation of something.
Here are the steps to form a hypothesis:
When developing a hypothesis think about any observations or previous knowledge you know about the variables.
Express what you think will be the effect of changing one of the variables (Independent variable) on the other variable you expect to change (Dependent variable).
Develop your hypothesis using a statement.
A example of a hypothesis statement would be, As the (independent variable) ( describe how you would change it) , then the (dependent variable ) will (describe the effect)
The following is a song on how to construct a hypothesis: